What is your cancellation policy?

We kindly request 24hr notice to cancel or reschedule your service so that we may have time to offer that wellness opportunity to another person. If you cancel after the 24-hour mark, you will pay the full session amount.

Are your services covered by insurance?

Our practitioners are considered Out-of-Network providers. Whether or not your services may be partially or fully reimbursed to you is based on your insurance provider and plan. Acupuncture may be covered by some insurances and so you will be provided a Superbill directly from your practitioner that you may submit to your insurance. Kindly note that usually only PPO plans reimburse and the amounts vary widely so we advise that you call your insurance provider if you’re unsure about what is covered.

What does an acupuncture visit entail?

In an acupuncture session, you'll start with a brief intake, providing information on how you’re feeling physically and mentally, answering questions based on Chinese medical diagnosis, including pulse and tongue assessments. Following this, you'll lie on a table for a personalized acupuncture treatment where thin needles are inserted into specific points on your body. These needles stay in for approximately 30-45 minutes, allowing you to relax or even fall asleep. Afterward, the needles are removed, and you'll receive guidance on follow-up treatments and care.

How can acupuncture help me?

Acupuncture is recognized as a complementary therapy for various conditions, and while its effectiveness may vary from person to person, it is often used to address:

Pain Management

Stress and Emotional Well-being

Musculoskeletal Issues

Digestive Disorders

Respiratory Conditions

Reproductive Health

Sleep Disorders

Neurological Conditions

Immune System Support

It's important to note that while acupuncture can be beneficial for many, it is not a cure-all, and individual responses may vary. Additionally, acupuncture is often used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments. Always consult with qualified healthcare professionals for comprehensive advice on your specific health concerns.

What does a reiki visit entail?

A reiki appointment consists of a brief 5-10 minute conversation to establish support and then 40 minutes of reiki to promote relaxation. You’ll want to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Depending on your current hopes and needs, we’ll discuss whether you prefer a gentle hands-on session or hands held slightly away from the body. We’ll also decide together if a guided meditation through the session will help support your relaxation or if you’ll benefit from calming silence. You’ll have the choice to lie comfortably on the massage table or sit in a position that feels most conducive to your relaxation.

How can reiki help me?

Reiki is a healing technique, using gentle touch with the hands placed on or slightly away from the body to optimize physical, mental and emotional health. It is based on the assumption that the flow of energy through the body can be supported and adjusted to promote wellness. It can help treat:

Stress Reduction

Pain Management

Emotional Well-being

Sleep Disorders

Spiritual Growth

Energy Balance

Immune System Support

Reducing Impact of Trauma

Digestive Issues

Enhanced Well-being